It’s been a while since my last post. Sorry about that.

I have a few more out door shows and I thought I needed a new canopy  My son-in-law who is a wonderful photographer also wanted to get one.  Easy I said to my self just go out and buy one at Wal mart. Ha!  Found the last one  in our area and looked every where  for a second one.  Tried several stores and they were all sold out.   Any how my son in law is still looking, keep you fingers crossed.

Because need to replace the paintings I sold I’ve been holed up in my studio trying to paint.  Finally got one painted.

I call it Bells Lake Mist Acrylic on board

Ever notice the harder you try to paint the harder it is to paint.

This painting is of Bells Lake a small lake in parkland hence no cottages.

12 Responses to “2010”

  1. I am immediately drawn into the format of this painting, Richard. The long and narrow gives my eye some space to roam. This one reminds me of early mornings on the lake where I grew up, when no one else was up and I had the mist and the hush of a day coming to life. It is also an example of what I like best that you do and that is your ability to include texture in your work. Absolutely gorgeous!!
    Once again…..good fortune with your shows!

  2. Gosh!, I’m in such gifted company. Your work is fabulous, I need to spend some time understanding and learning from your work. It’s so hard to find a unique style, but you and lesliepaints seem to have it all worked out.

  3. Wish I was casting a lure across that lake right now. A thin fog and thick vegetation, makes for a great day of fishing. The textures and layout is wonderful, it has that feeling that makes you want to walk into the painting, and the view will continue on and on.

  4. it’s fantastic.
    I hope your shows went well

  5. What a beautiful painting. I agree with Leslie in that I, too, am drawn to the format of the painting. It gives me such a feeling of expanse and openness.

    And I know what you mean about it’s harder when you’re trying to produce work. But keep going. You’re doing a great job.

  6. Wow, this looks like an illustration for a wonderful fairy tale.

  7. What do you see in the mists a hobbit ? lol

  8. This is a beautiful painting, Richard! I love the light and the depth! Gorgeous!!

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